Scott Frohman is a serial entrepreneur with a history of building brands and profitable companies, he has extensive involvement in mergers, acquisitions, IPO’s and raising capital for companies that have either gone public or been acquired.
Scott left Wallstreet to pursue a career path of deeper fulfillment. This passion led him to discover the power and potency of functional mushrooms. After experimenting with various mushrooms and experiencing firsthand their transformative effects, Scott new he had to bring a product to market that tasted great and appealed to a younger demographic.
Scott’s mission was to bring functional mushrooms mainstream. Odyssey Sparkling Mushroom Elixirs are the “new, healthier energy” beverage, which have already disrupted the beverage category. Going viral amongst the Gen Z, Millennials and in sub-cultures such as E-gamers and health enthusiasts since its debut, in less than one year, Odyssey is disrupting the multibillion-dollar energy drink industry.